Many thanks to Stephanie for nominating me for this Thinking Blogger Award. I have already found a spot to put it for now. See it over there at the top of the sidebar? Now I am required to nominate five others and link this post back to the award's originator HERE. I have thought for two days, trying to decide whom to tap. My decision has been made the more difficult because most of those I read regularly have already received the award, making me a Thinking Reader, as well.
My choices, should they decide to accept the award, are these excellent bloggers who give me a lot to think about:
Margreet of Margreet's Musings
Ursi of Ursi's Blog
Isabella of Magnificent Octopus
Sharon of Bibliobibuli
Matthew and friends of Chattanooga Energy Hub
You, my friends, shall receive either a gold or a silver award, your choice. The award, which has been traversing the blogsphere, comes with a challenge. Those who have been awarded are asked to name five others they would pass along the “thinking blogger” torch to. I read other people’s blogs for many reasons: good writing, a sense of humor, a glimpse into a lifestyle unlike my own, or the blogger’s unique personality. I read to learn, to be inspired, and to enjoy good pictures. Now it's your turn to choose five. Go for it!
Tank you - thank you - thank you so much!
Did you see my other blog?
Maybe you like it too??
Yes, Ursi, I also like your other blog: "Ursi's Eso Garden." Maybe it's more of a thinking blog.
I especially liked "Gods, Mythology and Religion of Ancient Egypt" that you posted there a couple of days ago. I have taught "Religions of the World" for over a decade and am especially interested in Egypt's one-time monotheism that basically did not survive Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten), the pharaoh who instituted it. Would you like for me to change the award to your other blog? I can do that.
Maybe you would be interested in two other blogs of mine:
Bonnie's Books at http://bonniesbooks.blogspot.com and Continuing the Quest at http://continuingthequest.blogspot.com
I may write something about Akhenaten at "Continuing the Quest." His religions new creed sounds very familiar, doesn't it? Change the names and we have the Islamic creed: "There is no god but Aten, and Akhenaten is his prophet."
am just gobsmacked, bonnie. thank you so much for recommending me. particularly from right across the world!
Thank you Bonnie; I am honored!!! I will take up the challenge, the only 'problem' is how to find 5 blogs that haven't already been nominated. But I'll find them!!!
Thanks for the honour. I posted my picks some time ago (http://magnificentoctopus.blogspot.com/2007/03/thinking.html ).
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