Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Large Hadron Collider ~ stopped by the future?

The folks at CERN are about to try again, a year later. But this time there's a notion floating around "that the troubled collider is being sabotaged by its own future. A pair of otherwise distinguished physicists have suggested that the hypothesized Higgs boson, which physicists hope to produce with the collider, might be so abhorrent to nature that its creation would ripple backward through time and stop the collider before it could make one, like a time traveler who goes back in time to kill his grandfather."

Say what? Check out this NYT article. In an unpublished essay, Dr. Nielson [Holger Bech Nielsen of the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen] said of the theory, "Well, one could even almost say that we have a model for God." It is their guess, he went on, "that He rather hates Higgs particles, and attempts to avoid them."

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